Watch Marronnier online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Marronnier cinema online for free. The cinema Marronnier has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site. Marino is your average young Japanese lady. She likes hanging out with her friends, brushing her teeth and doting over her Marronnier doll. The doll, however, has been created by an evil genius that kidnaps women, uses a machine to turn them into wax and sculpts the wax into dolls in the deceased's likeness. But it doesn't end there. The mad doll-maker's assistant, Numai, is even freakier. He stalks Marino, kidnaps her (and her friends), fails to seduce her, gets rebuffed, laughs like a maniac and tries to melt them into wax! But that's before his other doll 'creations' come to life and attack him…

Year: 2004
Genre : Horror, Thriller
Runtime: 79 minutes
Release Date: 2004-01-01
Actors :