Watch Great Wall, My Love online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Great Wall, My Love cinema online for free. The film Great Wall, My Love has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Chun, 28, Taiwanese, goes on a conflict-packed search journey with her Chinese guide, Ming, to find her father's long-lost first love, XiuQian, in China. Chun's father had promised XiuQian 60 years ago that he'd definitely come back to marry her. But not until recently, Taiwan and China were hostile to each other, he was never able to fulfill his promise. Chun and Ming grew up on two sides of the Taiwan Strait and were brought up with different values. They don't hesitate to cut each other down to size. Their turbulent romance unfolds in tears, laughter and a clash of values. The love story of two generations, across the Taiwan Strait, told with touching drama and biting comedy, is a poignant and entertaining road movie.

Year: 2011
Genre : Drama, Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 99 minutes
Release Date: 2011-12-09
Actors : Tong Dawei, Cherrie Ying, Kou Feng, Kelly Ko, Dong Xuan