Watch Citizen Dog online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Citizen Dog cinema online for free. The movie Citizen Dog has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site. Follow the life of Pod as he moves to Bangkok from the country. Pod's new life starts with getting a job, losing a finger and dreaming about a girl. A movie were nothing is impossible, and just because you get killed by raining red helmets doesn't mean you have to stop driving a motorcycle taxi.

Year: 2004
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction
Runtime: 100 minutes
Release Date: 2004-12-12
Actors : Mahasamut Boonyaruk, Saengthong Gate-Uthong, Sawatwong Palakawong Na Autthaya, Nattha Wattanapaiboon, Raenkum Saninn