Watch Crazy Couple online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Crazy Couple movie online for free. The film Crazy Couple has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Joe is on his way to White Cloud Hill to learn kung-fu from Mun the Invincible. Joe found that Chiao is good at martial art. He begs Chiao and finally became Chiao's pupil. Chiao assigns him to take care of his lunatic daughter June. Seven outlaws invades Ox Village. Master Kwan mobilizes his pupils and the villagers to defend but are conquered by the outlaws. Finally, Chiao appears and beats them all. Back to the house, Chiao's daughter is found being tied up. Chiao sends Joe to his brother Tiger Wang for assistance. Joe mistakenly takes Dragon Mak for Chiao and invites him to Ox Village. A fight starts when Chiao and Dragon meet which reveals a story of years ago when they were partners in a robbery. (Joy Sales)

Year: 1979
Genre : Action, Comedy
Release Date: 1979-12-30
Actors : Kar-Yung Lau, Dean Shek, Wong Ching, Eric Tsang