You able to instantly playing Rebel without survey within minutes in length.This drama is set in World War II Australia, where an American Marine, Rebel is recuperating from wounds suffered in battle. He is weary of war and is intent on going AWOL and escaping from Australia. He becomes infatuated with a local singer, Kathy and pursues her. Kathy is married and initially is not interested in him, but later begins to love Rebel. Kathy receives a letter advising her that her husband was killed in battle. The local police and the U.S. Military are searching for Rebel as an AWOL soldier. Rebel arranges to escape Austalia by a cargo ship, but eventually allows himself to be arrested in order to keep the local police from arresting Kathy for harboring him. Streaming free film trailer below, and also stream full length Rebel playing megavideo movie in HD without downloading.
Title: Rebel
Year: 1985
Runtime: 89 minutes
Release Date: 1985-12-05

Actors : Matt Dillon, Debra Byrne, Bryan Brown, Bill Hunter, Ray Barrett

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